Luxaqua is on a mission to help accelerate research
on aquatic habitats and their inhabitants.
Luxaqua develops innovative solutions for managing and housing aquatic models in research. Our technologies streamline data collection and centralisation, reduce errors, and enhance the efficiency of researchers and aquaculture technicians. By collaborating with leading international institutes, we create high-performance, intuitive tools tailored to the unique needs of modern laboratories.
We design and manufacture customised fish tank racks with life support system automation (LSS). Our engineering work includes plumbing, electricity, filtration and other mechanical components.
The fish tank rack systems used by aquatic research facilities usually include breeding tanks, experiment tanks and quarantine tanks. We pride ourselves on adapting to 100% of experimentation protocols requirements.
We created the LXA_DataTech software to monitor the different parameters of your installation while providing a collaborative platform for researchers and maintenance technicians.
Our monitoring solution allows you to log, display and analyse your facility’s real-time data, such as pH, O2, ORP, temperature and salinity.
LXA_FishLab is our information management software for fish and aquatic animals. This web-based platform helps research institutes, public aquariums, and aquaculture centres manage their species inventory.
Thanks to LXA_FishLab’s daily records, you always know how many individuals of each species you have in your facility and their health status. Besides, you can ensure governmental compliance thanks to its pre-filled declaration forms.
LXA_FishLab is our information management software for fish and aquatic animals. This web-based platform helps research institutes, public aquariums, and aquaculture centres manage their species inventory.
Thanks to LXA_FishLab’s daily records, you always know how many individuals of each species you have in your facility and their health status. Besides, ensure governmental compliance thanks to its pre-filled declaration forms.
We provide our clients with state-of-the-art fish tank systems, from public aquariums to marine science research facilities.
For every challenge, from design to commissioning, we have a solution.
A question ? A project ?